Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Monday night sleep over, impossible mini sausage muffins and pumpkin pancakes

so little boy was spending the night and I like to cook for him...he wants to be a chef and loves when I come up with new ideas, or old ideas he has not tried yet...
these are his favorites of mine:

1.  chicken mozzarella pasta
2.  chicken and wild rice
3.  these muffins from here
4.  hashbrown casserole

he says when he gets big, he is buying a bakery and I will be his cooker...haha...I will probably be too old by then...

this is the recipe used for the muffins (he called them cupcakes...) and he took them in his lunchbox for the next day too...

and I made pumpkin pancakes from a box mix...

he pronounced dinner delicious...

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