Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Amish poor man's steak and homemade mashed potatoes and gravy

this has been on my favorite's list for awhile now and tonight seemed the right night for it and I happened to have all of the right ingredients...

this is the recipe I followed (somewhat)

and it was reminds me of salisbury steak, except this has a white gravy...I followed this recipe to a T except for the gravy...instead of canned soup as the gravy, I kind of wanted a chicken fried type of gravy and so...

made a roux with 6 tbs flour and 6tbs butter and added 2 1/2 cups of milk till thickened...

Tim made the mashed potatoes and each time he does them, I swear that they get better...tonight he added a couple of tablespoons of onion soup mix to the potatoes along with some cream cheese and some shredded yummy...

so in researching amish poor man's steak, I fould another recipe I would like to try next time...
she said to make up your meat mixture the night before, put into a log shape and refrigerate overnight and then when ready, slice into portion pieces and grill each side (as you would for a steak...) and then cover with the gravy...

so yummy

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