Monday, August 17, 2015

Sunday night dinner, Applebees copycat chicken salad

it is still super hot here in California...106 today...oh my...

heat and I do not get along at all...I get up early in the morning to get my chores done, otherwise I am a mess trying to work while I am melting...the heat also gives me migraines and I feel that I have had one every day this summer, some days worse than others...

so, saying that...I try to make dishes in the summer that do not take a lot of work and definitely do not heat up my kitchen...


I have made this before and it has never disappointed...tonight, I already had chicken cooked and so added the cut up chicken instead of the already made chicken and it worked out fine...tasted just the same...
the first time I ran across this recipe I was so happy as this is the dish I would always order when dining at Applebees and now I can make it at home...

yum, happy eating

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