Sunday, August 9, 2015

new day, new post, yay...BBQ beer can chicken

I have not posted anything in awhile...I have been sick, and those that know me know my other problems...mainly hubby and dialysis (not a pretty picture...)

I am so happy to be back blogging...

this morning, I had a lot going on...babysitting my 3 year old for the day, being the main one...but, I had chicken out of the freezer and so knew that I had to do something with it even if I didn't really
have the time...
so at 10:30 I started the BBQ as slow cooking...rubbed spices into the chickens, stuck them on an opened can of beer and let them cook for about 3 hours...they came out so moist and juicy...very good...
my favorite thing to have with chicken is rice a roni...I know I should try some homemade side but I happen to love rice a roni and so does everyone in my family...

roasted BBQ chicken
rice a roni
brussell sprouts
homemade banana bread (now it is super hot here in California but I wanted to surprise hubby)...

new recipe for banana bread, which was really more like a cake than a bread but it was very good...

decided to make extra bread then offer 2 loaves to the first of my friends that pm'd was fun to see who got to me first and was happy to have participated...want to do this was so much fun...

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