Saturday, March 9, 2013

korean beef and rice...(really was Friday night)

this is what I made for dinner tonight and since I was not home to enjoy it, pictures did not get I made this dinner, I tasted and I thought it very good...(very good) and the picky princess came into the kitchen and said it lloked very good and smelled soon as it was done, she
was right there waiting with a bowl and spoon...she filled the bowl and I was amazed that she ate every drop...she was even trying to lick the bowl...this is a very good sign...

she and I were going to go to Bingo at her school at 4:30 and I was also babysitting Cj and needed something that would go together quickly and this did fit the bill...

Cj came into the kitchen and said, " don't you think you are getting too old to cook?"  I said, "no..."
he said " yeah well how many times have you gotten burned?"  funny funny 5 year old...

so we went to Bingo and I called later and asked how dinner was?  Tim was very upbeat about it, said
it was delicious and he mixed in some broccoli with his...he would want it again...
hubby now, is going thru a grumy stage and when I called him, he said it was just OK, but then I found out when I got home, he did not even try it...

there are leftovers and Zoe has already laid claim to them...

you should try this...pretty yummy

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