Saturday, March 30, 2013

extra chicken? = chicken salad

I love it when I have extra chicken (tht just happens to be laying around...)  on purpose I bought a bigger package of chicken today (for pretzel chicken) so that I would have extras...

I want some chicken salad this week and I cannot wait to have some...

my recipe?

cooked and diced chicken (of course)
diced celery
2 diced granny smith apples
chopped walnuts
dried cranberries

and oh my goodness, you mix it all up and serve it on some really nice big, soft potato mouth is watering just thinking about it...

California Pizza Kitchen used to make a version of this, (but they added onions too) and that is always what I got, but I guess they quit making it...went there with my neighbor for lunch and I did not even look at the menu, I asked for this and the waiter looked at me like I was crazy...LOL

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