Monday, March 11, 2013

family favorite...homemade chicken pot pie

I have been making my version of this dish for about 40 years and everyone loves it...

tonight I was feeling extra nice and decided to make my neighbors a pie also...I have made for the elderly people across the street from me and they love it, so I was first going to make it for them and then I remembered the ones next door would be getting home from work about the time it came out of the oven and I thought I would surprise them with dinner...she said it is her hubby's 2nd favorite dinner, the first being the Spam  pie I made them last week...

super easy recipe...
I use Pillsbury all ready pie crusts and then make a roux with 6 tbs butter and 6 tbs flour add in 2 cans of evaporated milk and 2 cans of chicken broth, and add what seasonings you like...add diced chicken and frozen peas, carrots, and corn...

bake 375 for about 30-40 minutes...


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