Thursday, December 20, 2012

tuna/pasta casserole

when I was a kid, we had tuna casserole a lot (A LOT) but hey, my mom had to think of cheap dinners to feed 12 kids...and we all loved it very much...but since I have been married I have never ever made kids have never had it...

this is a most definitely a "while the cat's away" dinner as hubby hates tuna with a passion...he says if tuna was the only thing left on earth to eat, he would rather starve, thank you very much...

what I do in the mornings, I take Zoe to school and go straight to the store for anything I need for dinner so I do not have to make a couple of trips...and I was completely out of ideas for is hard when Tim is on a diet and being mindful of that...and I am not sure what made me think of tuna casserole and I called Tim at work and asked if that was OK and he was all for it...

it was hard on my mom, having all of the right ingredients on hand at all times and she did things very simply, but always not a lot of taste...for spaghetti she would just throw in tomato sauce, salad dressing was just mayo tossed with lettuce and for tuna casserole, she would just toss in some cream of chicken soup with the pasta and that was it...and Iknew one thing this morning, I wanted a lot of taste in my I traveled around the grocery store and came up with a plan and here it is and it came out extremely delicious...

I cooked up a box of bowtie pasta till al dente, mixed in a can of cream of chicken soup, some sour cream (about 1/2 the container) lots of seasonings, frozen peas and mozarrella cheese and I also added some milk to the sauce to thin it out... (almost forgot the small can of all white tuna...)  I threw it into a baking pan and baked at 400 for about 20 minutes...served with some pumpkin bread that I had made...

I call it a success...I love the little crispy bow ties, can you tell I took off the top???

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