Monday, December 17, 2012

spam pie

this was originally posted 6-19-11  but was for dinner tonight as Ross is in the hospital again...

when the cat is away...

the mice will, well you know the rest, right??? whenever Ross is away whether at his mom's, out of town, or even in the hospital (like now) Tim and I eat things that his dad HATES...

when he and I first met, I am a down home comfort girl that cooks for big crowds, coming from 12 kids, we had to stretch meals to feed a ton of people...he on the other hand, tho coming from 6 kids, his Italian mother, except for when making pasta (& she is fantastic at that) would always make a meat and potato, that is what Ross was used to...oh, yeah when his mom would make spaghetti sauce, she would add whatever meat had been left over from the week (pork chops, whatever) to the sauce and simmer this sauce from early morning to dinner...

Ross absolutely hates rice and says it is from his days in Vietnam (I give him that) but, he also hated casseroles, creamed beef, soups, just really picky...oh yeah he HATES mac and, after 37 years, I have changed him somewhat, mostly cause I was tired of always eating only what he liked and never anything that was dear to my heart...but, he still is extremely picky...

when the kids were little I was tired of always only cooking for Ross and never getting to eat what I myself and therefore the kids (might), I started cooking some things he liked, but also what I had grown up loving and adding my own twist to them...
I did win him over on some casseroles and my chicken pie and he likes my version of spaghetti...
so, when he is not here, Tim and I will eat what he hates...

one such thing he absolutely will not even try is my cheese fondue...every single person in my family loves it incl. Zoe but not him...I serve it with cut up veggies, a good artisan bread, little smokies and gotta have some wheat thin crackers...
another thing we like to have is an appetizer night and we come up with all sorts of "little" food...small pizza, tacquitos, mini corn dogs, veggies, chicken nuggets, you get the picture...
we also LOVE tuna melts...
but for dinneer this one particular night, decided to make my spam pie...and when I make this we grub...we eat so much of it, we are stuffed...I looked on Hormel and they do not have a recipe even close to this so I will list mine...I have done this for years when my kids were, I know some people hate Spam but I really don't mind it...I can not eat it right out of a can like I could when I was a kid but, cooked now that is a different story...

2 cans of Pillsbury crescent rolls
1 can of Spam
1 brick of Monterey Jack cheese (8oz)
1 brick cheddar cheese
6 beaten eggs...

line 9 x 13 (after spraying with Pam) with the biscuits, careful to cover the perforated edges...
cut up Spam and dice cheese...mix together with eggs, pour into prepared pan...
sometime I lattice a crust over top, and sometimes I leave uncovered and the pieces of Spam sticking up will get a little toasty...
bake at 350 until middle is done when knife is stuck in it...usually 45 min...

yummy...could also try with sausage or bacon or ham

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