Monday, October 8, 2012

my absolute favorite...

I am one happy girl tonight...happy happy happy...this is my absolute very favorite dinner ever...hands down...when I found this recipe I could not have known how much I would love it...
Tim came home and dinner was almost done, and he said, "oh that looks so good, I cannot wait for it."  hubby liked it, Sam came over for some and Zoe made her own little version in a little foil
pan (thoshe omitted the peas & almonds) and she too loved it...
dinner has been over for about 2 hours and I am really thinking of going for leftovers right about now...

you guys have got to make this at least once and I promise you will love it too...maybe not quite as
much as I do, but you will at least like it...I asked hubby how much he liked it and he said he likes it
but that he loves the chicken pie I made the other day a little better...

Christy in her original recipe uses green beans and I use peas...she said she doesn't always use the sour cream but I do...

yummy yummy yummy

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