Saturday, October 6, 2012

chicken pot pie

the oven ban has been lifted, yay...the temps today are in high 80's (humidity is still up there) but I am so happy that I decided to chance it and turn the oven on...

so what had everyone in my family "chomping at the bits?"  bugging the heck out of me, till dinner
was done...

homemade chicken pot pie...

Tim's favorite and hubby and Samantha love it too...

it would be my favorite, but once I found the recipe for chicken and wild rice casserole it plays a close second in my book...

it is so easy too...

I use Pillsbury's ready pie crust in the biscuit section...

lay your crust down, add cooked diced chicken, 1 bag of frozen peas and carrots and 1 bag of frozen
corn (layer style)

make roux with 8 tbs. butter, 6 tbs flour, 2 cans of evaporated milk and 2 cans of chicken broth...and I
must say that I make the best roux ever...for this recipe it always comes out perfectly...add seasonings
as desired (I add a small amt of garlic salt and pepper)...pour sauce over chicken and veggies, top
with another crust...make steam holes in top...I always like to cut out a heart shape with a cookie cutter...
bake at 400 for about 25 to 30 minutes...

I am so so so so happy for fall temps...

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