Monday, October 29, 2012

mock lasagna (my recipe)

this used to be this family's all time favorite Fall meal, till chicken and wild rice casserole came into the picture...we all could barely wait till Fall and this dish would be first on the menu right after the last summer day...

I came upon this recipe a very long time ago and have been making it for at least 30 years...hubby loves this one, big time...

he was so excited today when he saw what was for dinner and he even helped me make dinner (ya me too, I was shocked...LOL)

here's what you do:

brown hamburger (& I add Italian sausage also) then add 4 cups of water, 2 cans of (1 lb 12 oz) of stewed tomatoes, 2 cans of (16 oz) tomato sauce and any seasonings you want to add...I use garlic salt, pepper, a little Italian seasonings and parsley...some people in my family do not like chunks of tomato and so I put the stewed tomatoes in a blender first...
you heat the sauce to boiling, and simmer for 15 minutes...this part is important...

then you layer starting with some sauce to cover the bottom of the baking pan (for this amount of sauce ingredients, I use a 13 x 9 pan...) then add 1 1/2 pkgs. UNCOOKED noodles (I use wide egg noodles)
and ending with the rest of the sauce and top with mozzarella cheese...cover with foil and bake at 350 for aprox. 45 minutes...

happy will love this as much as we do...deliciousness...OMGosh...

when you let this sit for a few minutes after it is done, it cuts very nice and resembles lasagna...

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