Friday, October 26, 2012

corn chowder

Fall is suposed to be here, although it was pretty warm here today and the Santa Ana winds have also kicked up (watch out Zoe's asthma) and it is supposed to be warm here through Sunday...
but, I am still trying to cook every single night...I really wanted to eat out today, but made myself go to the store and cook...
I wanted something cost effective and something everyone likes and so I picked corn chowder...
and my recie could not be easier...

I melt 1 stick of butter in large pan and add 6 tbs flour, then stir in 1 large can of chicken broth, and 2 cans of evaporated milk to make a roux...once thickened I add 1 large bag of frozen corn, 1 can of sliced carrots, 1 can of whole potatoes (diced), seasonings of your choice (I add garlic salt, pepper and parsley...)  and I add some cooked and diced bacon...(I have added cooked diced chicken to this also and it was yummy...)

Tim likes this soup a little on the thick side and it works well this way...he was pretty happy with dinner tonight...
I had planned on making yeast rolls to go with it, but time got away from me tonight...

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