Saturday, November 26, 2016

letting a very sick teen choose dinners...corn chowder, creamy pasta, hashbrown casserole last Saturday, Zoie's 16th brithday, both of the oldest girls had recitals at their school...Tim went and both girls did great...from school Sam and Zoie went straight back to their apartment and I did not speak to them till the next day when we were supposed to meet up to celebrate Zoie's birthday...we went to Red Robin but birthday girl was not feeling good at all...she could not even order her lunch (tho she does not like to order her food anyway...)  we had a very good lunch but Zoie seemed to fade fast, using her inhaler much more than she should have...we came back to my house and Sam and I were going to go to the grocery store and we left Zo at home with Tim but by the time we got to the parking lot I had talked to Sam enough to tell her how worried I was about Zo so instead of shopping, we came back home and Sam took her first to an Urgent Care, but there was no sense of urgency there and so Sam got up, walked out and took her straight to the ER and once they got hold of here, things heated up very quickly...they took her straight back and they were, to make a long story short she was diagnosed with a severe asthma attack and told Sam she should have callled 911 and not messed around...when she was finally released, she looked and acted horrible...they gave Zoie a very stern talking to on how she is responsible now for her own health and which symptoms warrant a 911 call, they do not want her messing around with the health clerk at school...

I felt so bad for her that I let her choose dinners each night, even tho she was not eating...she at least tried...

while she was at ER, I knew Sam would need to come home to a great down home comfort dinner and they chose creamy pasta with bacon and peas and man did this deliver with a great comfort dinner...I have made this before and posted about it was so good...

was terrific for leftover lunches too...

so Monday when I asked sickie girl what she wanted, it was corn chowder...
here is what I did...

made a roux with 8 tablespoons of butter, 8 tablespoons of flour, about 20+ ounces of chicken stock and about the same in milk..once thickened I added 1 bag of frozen corn, 1 can of whole potatoes (this is what Zoie likes best of this chowder) chopped, 1 can of carrots and some cooked chopped bacon...
this lasted Zoie for her lunch for the rest of the week...

So, Tuesday this girl wanted hashbrown casserole and that is what she got...

except that once I got dinner done this girl only wanted more corn chowder...LOL

So Sam and Zoie have stayed at my house from Sunday morning, well until they plan on going home on Sunday...haha...Zoie said she was scared to leave my house till she knew she was breathing all right and needed no help...(today Saturday, a whole week later we are finally starting to see her perk up a little...)  she has school on Monday so I am hoping she will be ready...

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