Saturday, November 19, 2016

my mom's mac and cheese

I have posted about this mom made this a lot for us kids growing up...we actually thought it more like the adult version of mac and cheese as we really like the box variety and my mom also made a good recipe with velveeta cheese...but as a grown up, when I really want comfort food (mac and cheese) I always go to this one...

and a funny story that bears repeating...when aerospace tanked here in California and my hubby lost his good paying job and times were very bad for night all we had in the house to eat were the ingredients for this, I was working and hubby was not and I asked him to make dinner so it would be ready when I got home...I was hungry and I so wanted comfort food...dug into dinner and it tasted awful too sweet...he had used sweetened condensed milk instead of the evaporated milk...needless to say I did not eat dinner that night...

here is what we do...
to al-dente cooked small shells or elbows, I add one layer of pasta to a baking pan, put cheese on top then another layer of pasta and final layer of cheese...(tonight I used sharp cheddar)...seasoned the top (sometimes I add a few pats of butter and some bread crumbs...) and add 2 cans of evaporated milk...
bake at 375 for about 20 minutes...

always (and I mean family would revolt if I did not do this) paired with...
mixed veggies
bbq sauced little smokies

so good when you crae comfort food

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