Monday, July 25, 2016

chicken fried rice and homemade egg rolls

I love fried rice and it is always what I get when we go to Pick Up Stix (my favorite place to eat...), I like it all coated but I still never have gotten anything else to eat there...
when we were first married I tried several times to make fried rice and it never came out like I wanted it to...

so a couple of years ago, I decided to try it again, but thoroughly researched different recipes to try to see what I had done wrong to begin with...I still am not sure what I did wrong, but everyone in this family loves my friend rice, especially my oldest grand daughter Zoie...but she likes to fry her own rice and put only what she likes into it...she made her own and then took it home with her for her dinner (smart girl...)

so, here is what I do...

I make up ahead of time 8 cups of white rice (I use the Minute rice)

and I fry it in a small amount of oil in 3 batches (easier that way to do in batches and also everyone can put their own spin on it with just basically rice///)
and then I add a ton of seasonings, garlic salt, onion powder, and black pepper and keep stirring and then I add enough soy sauce to lightly coat the rice (I hate to have white rice mixed in, in other words, I like to have each kernal coated...) LOL...

then to the last 2 batches I add...
diced cooked chicken
crumbled bacon
green onions
shredded carrots (I copied this from Pick Up Stix)
frozen green peas

once I remove the rice from the pan, I then add 6-8 lightly scrambled eggs to the bowl of rice and gently fold it in...then add some cashews to the top


for the egg rolls...

I mix up some breakfast sausage
with some seasonings
and packaged cole slaw mix
and put inside an egg roll wrapper
fry in small amount of oil...

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