Monday, July 2, 2012

taco salad my way

I think I posted about this last summer too...this is the way I love my tacosalad, but it has no lettuce in it...LOL...
I love this dish and I used to eat it with the lettuce, the way it is supposed to be eaten I guess you would say and I hate limp lettuce and this turned me off only cause of the lettuce and one day decided to try it without lettuce and a new love was born...
love this dish so much that I crave it (a lot...)
we went to the commissary today and as soon as I hit the store knew what I was going to make tonight and let me tell you every loves this but they all do "it" in different ways...
hubby uses everything but adds lettuce and salsa to his...
Tim and Zoe only make nachos from theirs
and me, well you have already heard about me...

I brown hamburger, then start layering meat, grated cheese, tomato, grn onions, black olives, crushed tortilla chips and then I pour just the right amount of ranch drsg on so yummy...oh I added a bunch of seasonings to the meat while cooking...

and by the not judge me on not using lettuce in my salad...I learned from the best...when we
go to Marie Callendar's and hubby gets the salad bar...he does the same thing...he comes back to the
table with a heaping plate full of goodies but no there...

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