Sunday, July 1, 2012

BBQ (again) burgers & dogs

just so you know, this is hubby's plate, this is not mine...and do you see that one of his burgers is upside down...haha...
he also does not have veggies on his plate, that is cause he has a second plate with everything else on it...he is not stupid, right?

when my kids were little, I always thought it a great treat when hubby offered (or I forced him, LOL)
to BBQ...but, and I am sorry to say this he is a terrible BBQ'er...the burgers would be burned on the outside and bloody in the middle...ribs?  OMGosh, they would be horrible...again, burned on the outside, very tough and red on the inside...chicken?  the same...
so I decided that I needed to teach myself the correct way to BBQ and I bought myself a book and once I learned there was no turning back after favorite?  I love to slow cook a roast or tri tip or something like that for a couple of hours and have it so tender you can cut it with a fork...and my ribs?  fall off the bone they are so yummy...
tonight I decided since it is so hot here (tho not as hot as some other places) we are supposed to be in the high 80's, that I thought I would BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs...but I also did them right with grilled onions and some applewood smoked bacon, juicy tomatoes, lettuce and cheese...Tim bought some angus hamburger at Target and also got some new Hawaiian sweet hamburger buns...

wow...was dinner to die for...the hamburger was very good,juicy...and the buns were also very yummy...
homemade macaroni salad rounded out the dinner with some Bush's baked beans and raw veggies with dip...
nice night

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