Tuesday, July 31, 2012

chicken fried rice

even though it is very hot here, the humidity is high, I am burning up and I still after 7 days have a migraine, we still have to eat and it is the day before payday....so what to make?

I had 3 chicken breasts in the freezer and if I could turn the oven on my first choice with a couple of chicken breasts would have been that terrific chicken & wild rice casserole that I have posted about previously...too bad I cannot and will not turn the oven on in this heat...
I was fantasizing about fall days last night thinking what would be my first fall day dinner?  definitely the chicken & wild rice casserole...

so back to tonight...it dawned on me that I had all of the other ingredients for chicken fried rice...so that is what I did...
and I was smart this morning while it was a little bit cooler, I made the rice, cooked the bacon and chicken and put them all away...so when it came time for dinner it was so much easier to throw it all together...

my fried rice

I brown the already cooked rice in small amt oil add garlic salt and pepper and then add soy sauce (I add enough to make all of the rice a tiny bit brown) and then added bacon, chicken, green onions, frozen peas, shredded carrots, some almonds and oh yeah of course some scrambled egg...

there you go...

after we ate, I went in and told (didn't ask (LOL) ) hubby the kitchen was his to clean up tonight...I get to sit since I do not feel good and I had kids all day and I am tired...

dinner was pretty good if I do say so myself...it hit the spot...

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