Monday, July 30, 2012


I was going to make chicken fried rice for dinner and with it being so hot and I have had a migraine for 6 out of 7 days, hubby decided to play nice and took me and Zoe out to dinner...
we got to the end of the street where we would have to turn one way to go to Anchos or the other way and go to Sizzler...I let the little princess make the decision and she picked Sizzler as she loves their buffet, especially the clam chowder...I was really looking forward to the nice homemade warm flour tortillas from Anchos that I just love with some butter...OMG...I could eat those and nothing else they are that good...
but Sizzler was pretty good tonight too and Zoe ate pretty good...she had 2 bowls of clam chowder and it was a nice attitude from the princess and it was very apparent how big she is really getting, listening to her talk like an adult and when she walked away from the table, it kind of tore at my heart, seeing how adult like she is now, especially compared to the littles...she can be a really good girl...
hubby and I both got the senior steak dinner and it was good tonight, especially since I did not have to cook...

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