Saturday, September 30, 2017

teaching Zoie to cook for a week with her own personal favorite menus

I told Zo that she could plan the menus for the week, we would shop together and she could cook for a week...

I think she had a good time and it seems that she is learning a lot...I want her to be a much more accomplished chef than I was when I first started out...

here were her menus for the week...and of course they were all her favorites...

taco casserole
creamy pasta, bacon and peas
chicken fried rice
chicken salad
spam pie
hamburger rice and gravy
this was a new recipe...she looked a similar one up on google and gave her own spin...bratwurst, corn, potato and carrot soup....and it was very good...
twice baked potatoes with ham...(she had these done even before I realized she was in the kitchen!)

she wants to keep making dinners and who am I to stop her?  besides it gives me a break...

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