Sunday, September 10, 2017

my version of swiss steak

this recipe is the one my whole family loves and I have been making for 40+ years...

I found round steak on sale, which I was very happy about...(you can also use london broil)

I cut the round steak into serving pieces...then dusted them with flour...I braised them on both sides...
then stacked them in the slow cooker and inbetween meat I added sliced onions...season well with your choice of seasonings...(I used garlic salt, pepper, and onion powder...

over the top, I pored one large can of cream of chicken soup (you could also use cream of mushroom)...

cook on high for about 4-5 hours...

the soup makes a wonderful gravy...
paired with brown butter mashed potatoes...

my little grandchildren were here when I made this and they wanted to try the last time my 4 year old tried my potatoes, she did not like them as she said there were lumps in them...(at home then only use boxed potatoes)...but she still wanted to try them this night...they won her over and both her and her brother had 2 helpings of meat and potatoes...Cj said he absolutely loves my cooking...LOL

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