Sunday, February 19, 2017

new chapter...roasted whole chicken and scalloped potatoes

it is really hard to go on with life and I feel guilty doing so too...but at the same time we do have to go on and we do have to eat and we cannot eat out every night...I love to cook and I love to blog and so maybe this will get our minds off of his passing too...I still think about him every time I cook and will think to myself, will he eat this?  or do I have to make him something else?

Sam has been staying here since before Christmas and it is good to have the help until I can handle this on my own...and she Tim and I are all under the same agreement that we have to eat better than we have been and I will be trying to put a healthy spin on the recipes I post from now on...but also while I am feeling good (having an oxygen tank with me while I am in the kitchen is limiting) we need to think easier meals too...

whole roasted chickens sounded like they would fit the bill tonight and we made enough for plenty of leftovers for chicken salad too...
Sam put an onion and lemon half into the cavity of each bird and seasoned the outside well with pepper, garlic salt and onion powder...put them into a brown in bag and roasted for 1 1/2 hours...

for the scalloped potatoes, she thinly sliced red potatoes and layered them in a baking dish, seasoned them well and added lower fat half and half, covered with foil and baked for 1 1/2 hours...

fresh pea pods with carrots complete the meal...

thanks for sticking with me and still reading my blog through life happening to us...

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