Sunday, February 26, 2017

apple crisp, hubby's favorite

this was hubby's all time favorite dessert and he would request it for his birthday instead of cake...I had started to make this for our anniversary but didn't feel good enough to finish it up so this morning
I got up early...and by 7 am I was on my scooter going to the store (and fraps too) and was determined to make this dessert for dinner...

before he passed I had started making Sundays all about family dinners and now most definitely want to make sure I continue the tradition, no matter what...

I was shown that life can go by so quickly for a reason and I do not want it to be so fleeting without me at least trying to do some good for my family...I have always felt that I show a lot of love with my cooking and baking...

so every Sunday I want to make a nice dinner for everyone, I would also like to bake something then too and to make some kind of breakfast since Tim is off on, so far I am good for today...dinner is all prepped, breakfast was made and eater (hashbrowns, eggs and sausage) and the apple crisp is in the oven...and all of this when I am not at 100% (I really need for my oxygen levels to come up and stay up, hard to do all I want to while also wearing oxygen...)

here is how I made the apple crisp...

I already had a can of apple pie (from Comstock) and so I layered them in a round cake pan and then mixed together 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar, 1 1/3 cups of flour, some cinnamon, 1 stick of melted butter, and 1 1/2 cups of oatmeal...once mixed together put on top of the apples and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes...

we will think of hubby eating this tonight

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