Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve dinner

I have been sick for a whole week and finally today see a light at the end of the tunnel, I hope...have had a cough for well over a month now and at the first of the month was on steroids and antibiotics and for about a week thought I felt better...then, it hit me full force on Christmas Eve...went to Urgent Care on Christmas...they really thought I should go to the ER as my O2 saturations were low and I was wheezing...instead I waited to see my primary and he was sort of on the same page but he understands me and also seeing how hubby is in the hospital, he said as long as I stayed on bed rest as much as possible and kept oxygen on he was all right with me staying home...he prescribed high dose prednisone and frequent nebulizer treatments...sorry did not mean to go on and on...but the moral of the story is that I am so glad I am finally feeling a little better...

so Sam and I wanted a nice night tonight but not a lot of work...typically what we do is have an appetizer night reminicent of Christmas Eve but we do not we came up with an alternate menu...
here is what we did...

we roasted a turkey breast (mostly cause we had one...)
our homemade pasta salad
homemade egg rolls
hot ham and cheese rolls (YUM)
million dollar dip with crackers
asst veggies
Bisquick fried cheese

so yummy...everyones favorite (well there was 2) was the million dollar dip and the ham and cheese rolls...

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