Sunday, September 18, 2016

very hot day here, hamburgers, steak and potato salad

guess the heat thought we did not have enough of it this summer and decided to pay us another visit before fall hits...OMGosh 105 here today...I am dying (but not quite like I have in previous years...yes, people central air is sooooooo nice...what the heck did I do for 15 years in an unair conditioned house?)  now I am spoiled...was planning to BBQ hamburgers and steak and then thought it much too hot to go outside to cook...
made the burgers in a George Foreman and the steak I cooked on a grill pan...

not feeling good today, the hip pain is quite bad...hurts to take even one step, I am thinking like a Sam and Zo came over today and she made the potato salad...she knows how I like it made and she does a very good job at it...Tim had bought some teeny tiny potatoes of all colours at Whole Foods and we used those for the salad and it was so good...

for our potato salad here is what we do...
to diced cooked potatoes we add...
diced celery, green onions, chopped kosher dill pickles, black olives, plenty of hard boiled eggs, chopped, mustard, seasonings (garlic powder, celery salt, black pepper and onion powder...) a splash of pickle juice and just enough mayo to combine it all together...


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