Sunday, September 11, 2016

chicken and wild rice casserole and hamburger soup

so little boy was spending the night and his favorite dinner is chicken and wild rice casserole and he was ecstatic to discover what was for dinner...and then also ate it for the rest of the week for an after school treat...I also made an extra pan of it and took it to my old neighbors (the ones that gave me the neat birdhouse...)  they love my cooking but they especially my homemade chicken pot pie...I thought maybe they would also love this recipe...

the next night I have been craving my hamburger soup and it really hit the spot and there is always plenty of leftovers of this for my lunch once I get back from school...

a couple of years ago, becasue of some tummy pain, I had an ultrasound and was found to have some gall stomes but my doctor said as long as the pain was not horrible, to try to deal the best I could unless I wanted was not advised at the time because of my heart issues and I would have some pain but not bad at all and I learned to deal with forward to about 3 weeks ago and the pain got pretty bad...I went to Urgent Care to reaffirm diagnosis and then to primary doctor and was basically told the same thing...I need to go for a new unltrasound but he said until that is done to try and follow a strict diet of no fat, fried foods and red meat...I am really trying and so far I have done pretty well...the day before I saw my primary, I had gone to Jersey Mikes and I was in agony all night long...
this hamburger soup has fed me for 3 days now...I try to bypass the meat in it but what little I am getting has really been ok...
maybe I will also lose some weight this way too...

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