Sunday, September 18, 2016

playing at being on Chopped...cranberry bread strata for breakfast

Tim absolutely loves Whole Foods and since we do not have one around us, when he does go to one, he goes crazy...there is one very close to MIL's house and he takes advantage whenever he goes down there...
so, he came home with cranberry rubbed bacon and a loaf og cranberry nut bread and asked what I could do with it...thought for about a week and decided this morning was a good morning to try what I had come up with...

loosely based on this recipe:

and it turned out really good...altho there are a few changes I would make to it next time...I most definitely would make it the night before and let it soak in the milkk and eggs calls for 6 eggs and 1 1/4 cups of milk...I might increase to 9 eggs and 2 cups of milk...

to be truthful in my whole life I have never tried a strata or bread pudding or anything along those lines but now am intrigued and want to try some more...

he also got some teeny tiny potatoes of all different colors and I am going to make potato salad with it for tonight...supposed to be 105 here today so we are BBQ'ing...

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