Tuesday, May 17, 2016

new house cooking...

the last posted date was 4/9?  hard to believe...
missed writing for this blog...

moving went much worse than I thought it would...it was very hard for me, but finally we all are in only one house...(that was really the worst thing about moving I think, not being completely done in either place)...the last day we finished at the ole place, it was very bittersweet for me...we had been there for 15 years, the only house my grandkids had ever known, and it was not my idea to move (think that makes a huge difference...)  but we are done...now, if only I could find what I am looking for...
at first, when I was packing, I was so careful, diligently marking each box and then towards the end, you just want to get done...

it is very hard right now, to cook halfway decent meals when you cannot find your pans, dishes, silverware, etc.
then, this house is sooooo nice that I am trying very hard to be so careful with the counters, the stove and the hardwood floors...we are eating off of paper plates and bowls and plastic silverware when we can and I am choosing only meals that go together with minimal ingredients and time wise too...

tonight makes only the 4th homemade meal we have had here in the 2 weeks we have been here...

the first meal I made was a pot roast I cooked all day in the slow cooker and then I shredded it and made pot roast grilled cheese sandwiches...
day # 2, we BBQ steaks with garlic bread and canned baked beans
day #3, I made sausage and hashbrown casserole with already cooked turkey sausage crumbles
and now tonight, we made BBQ roasted whole chickens with chicken rice a roni...

going to research slow cooker recipes for next week as we are sort of tired of eating out...

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