Tuesday, May 17, 2016

turkey sausage and hash brown casserole

I have made this before and everyone in the family loves this, especially little boy...his 2nd grade class made a cookbook for moms for Mothers Day and this is the recipe he wanted in the book...

I had gotten this recipe for another blogger and would love to give her credit, but she no longer blogs, and I also have changed this recipe over time...

so here goes...I usually make a lot since like I said everyone loves it and it also makes good leftovers...

last night here is how I made it...

1 pkg of turkey sausage, crumbles (already cooked, easy to just add and not have to cook it first)
1 pkg of frozen hash browns
1 1/2 containers of sour cream (24 oz.)
seasonings to taste
6 eggs very lightly scrambled
cheddar cheese (mixed together with other ingredients and also on top)

the original recipe called for not cooking hash browns first,  but I like to brown them first...add other ingredients...put into a 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until edges are browning...the kids loved leftovers for breakfast this morning before school...

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