Sunday, November 8, 2015

weekly menus from 11/8 through 11/14

didn' do this as my hand was broken (well still is)...

trying we go...

Sunday 11/ bacon cheese meatloaf
                               home made mashed potatoes
                               garlic cheese biscuits

Monday 11/9.........beef, bacon and barley soup
                              artisan bread

Tuesday 11/10,,,,,,bacon, corn and cheese pancakes
                              chciekn apple sausage

Wednesday 11/11.Veterans Day
                              eating out

Thurday 11/12......cracked out tator tot casserole
                              green beans

Friday 11/13.........cheddar beef pot pies

Saturday 11/14.....parmesan chicken casserole
                             green salad
                             garlic bread

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