Thursday, November 19, 2015

Disney night out...Mimi's cafe for dinner

when in Anaheim, the cat and I always eat at Mimi's it there and it is usually within walking distance of our I am not sure why we never go to the one in Mo Val? dinner last night was so good...I had not eaten all day (felt quesy) and so I decided that maybe I just needed to eat...I ordered the turkey dinner, cat got the NY steak and it was just what the doctor ordered...and the warm little loaves of sourdough bread? to die good...I almost thought of just eating there on Thanksgiving...they are only charging 18.99 a person for turkey dinner including pie...they are also selling whole turkey dinners to feed 10 people for 89.00 (which is not bad) or 42.99 just for the sides and dessert...
just for info sake, they are building a Panera right next to the Mimi's, which Tim and I love...

the last time we went to Mimi's, I had the meat loaf which was just as good as the turkey dinner...
their desserts looked so yummy too...

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