Sunday, November 8, 2015

broken hand and cat's away dinners...

let me has been about 3 weeks now since I fell and actually broke a bone in my has been in a temporary spling until I can see an ortho specialist and that is proving hard to fnd an ortho to see you...they did not have an opening until 11/, I wait, I am taking that to mean that the fracture is not that first it hurt, now it is just least with a temporary splint I can unwrap it to take a shower and do dishes and a few dinners...the first week or so, we ate out, now that I am getting used to it, am using it more and more tho I do require a lot of help stirring...

the hubby was in the hospital twice within those 3 weeks, hence my saying of when the cat is away, the mice will play, only we were not playing...hahaha

we went throught the easy dinners I could cook with some small amount of help...'
egg salad
tuna salad
tuna melts
breakfast for dinner (we had that a couple of times)
spam pie

if it was easy, I tried it...and it seemed to work...

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