Sunday, April 7, 2013

Friday night Spam Pie

I have been making this dish for many many years own kids loved it when they were little so at least 30 some years...hubby absolutely will not touch anything at all with Spam in it...but, I was raised on Spam and when much younger could eat it straight out of the can as a sandwich, not anymore it has to be cooked for me now (getting too old I guess)...

with all of the furor on Facebook lately about who's recipe is who's, I could take credit for this one since I have had the recipe for so long and I have tweaked it so many times to fit our family likes, but I am an honest person and will not lay claim to something that was not mine to start with...I found this recipe in a magazine so long was an advertisement for Hormel for Spam and it sounded good so I copied it down and made it...recently I looked at Hormel's web site and this was not listed...

I actually think they should put the recipe on their site and promote Spam to a new generation...
my grand daughter absolutely loves this and begs me all of the time time for her and she was so happy on Friday night when she came over and it was ready for her...


2 rolls of Pillsbury crescent rolls, spread out into a 9 x 13 pan, sealing all of the perforations, set aside...
small dice a can of Spam, 1 cup of cheddar cheese, 1 cup of montery jack cheese and 4 beaten eggs and pour into prepared casserole pan...
bake at 250 for approx 30 minutes, until egg in middle is cooked...

this recipe is known in our house as a "cat's away" dinner...we only make it when hubby is out of town, like now, visiting his mom...

I always make an extra one and take to my neighbor, who is American Indian and was raised on Spam and loves it....

not sure (my memory is fading, haha) if crescent rolls were part of original recipe or mine...

pls try this you will not regret it, even if you hate Spam...I have had people that say they hate Spam and would never eat it, try this not knowing and they love could also subsitute bacon, ham or sausage instead...


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