Thursday, February 10, 2011

coupons for the month of February...

well, we went shopping kind of late in the month...I usually like to go the first couple of days of the month but, you know who (wink wink) is still feeling under the weather...we went on the 9th of the month...
and you already read that all this month I am trying new usual recipes for me...oh no...all NEW recipes and I am trying more chicken and less beef...

so, all of this being said...I spent $325 on a month's worth of groceries and (drum roll) I saved
$20.24 in coupons...I am still happy but not quite as happy as last month's far this year (2 month's worth) I have saved almost $50.00...that makes me proud...
it is very time consuming to make menus, research recipes, make grocery lists, research cooupons, print them, cut them out, etc etc...but, in the end $20.00 is $20.00 and if I can keep this up, it will potentially save us upwards of $300 or so in a year...isn't that amazing???

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