Monday, May 30, 2016

my all time favorite...chicken and wild rice casserole

I really don't have to give the recipe, do I?  I make this so much, but this time it is a first in our new house...
I still do not feel well but Tim worked today and he had a really bad day so I wanted a nice dinner waiting for him...
also made garlic and cheese biscuits...

here is the link to the recipe in case you do not make this as much as I do...

haha I know it by heart now

Sunday night, hut

so I decided to go to Urgent Care this morning, had trouble laying down without coughing...and I did not think I was as sick as they seem to feel...3 shots and 4 prescriptions later...and I am feeling effects...Tim was so good to me and got Pizza Hut and it was very good...lately I am not big on fast food but he got cheese sticks to go with dinner and I appreciated it so much...

saturday night, grilled huli huli chicken

since we have moved and the back yard is so close to the kitchen we are bbqing much least once a week...

I have made this chicken before, but always baked it...

Saturday, we put it on the grill and it was so good...

paired with homemade macaroni salad
corn casserole
garlic bread...

Wednesday night hamburger soup

starting to get warm here and I am trying, although still keeping in mind, the new house and now I have bronchitis too decided to make hamburger soup...

it was so good, I have missed home cooking so much...

since there are not as many people around here lately, I decided to scale back and make just enough for dinner and still I had leftovers...

I used:

1 16 0z can of tomato sauce
1 pkg of onion soup mix
4 1/2 cups of water
1/2 bag each of frozen peas, carrots, and corn
1/2 bag ditalini

Sam and Zoie came over today and took the rest home with them...they also took the pulled pork...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

new house cooking...Monday night slow cooker pulled pork

in the morning while I was getting kids ready for school, I knew I wanted dinner done ready for when we got home in the afternoon...
we had bought a pork butt for a reasonable price the other day...

so, put pork in slow cooker (with a liner, are they not the best thing ever?) with some sliced onion, garlic and some pepper and onion powder...layered in slow cooker with chicken broth (enough to come to about 1/2 of the pork...)

left to cook on high for all day...when I got home, took pork out and let it rest and then shredded it...

it was so good...

I do not like my shredded pork slathered in sauce and just put the sauce on the buns...

new house cooking ideas

still trying to settle in and finding pots and pans etc. so I am trying to cook with what ingredients I have on hand, or are easy to make with as least amount of problems as possible...

we are BBQing a lot...easy to do and just add a can of baked beans and garlic bread or whatever
making casseroles
and tonight I am making hamburger soup...
the crock pot is really coming in handy too

new house cooking Thursday...chicken noodle casserole

this is what I made for dinner on Thursday night and it was very good, everyone loved it...

it calls for:

one pound of cooked egg noodles
diced cooked chicken
2 cans of cream of chicken soup
3/4 cup half and half
cheddar cheese
16 oz bag of frozen peas and carrots
bread crumbs for top of casserole with some melted butter

mix together and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes...reminds me a lot of our favorite chicken and wild rice casserole...

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

new house cooking...homemade mac n cheese

day 5 of meals in our new house...went last night and stocked up on paper plates, paper bowls, napkins and plastic cups...

it is way too much for me right now, working, keeping up the house, laundry and cooking and still trying to unpack too...trying to put as much as I can into school right now as we only have like 3 weeks left and then I will be home all day to do as much to the new house as I want to...

trying to still think of easy yet thrifty meals to make (since I have yet to find all of my pots and pans, etc...)

made my homemade mac n cheese tonight and made extra to take to school tomorrow the way this recipe is also in the second grade cookbook we made...


2 cans of evaporated milk
2 cans of cheddar cheese soup
1 stick of melted butter
about 8 oz of sour cream
cheddar cheese to your taste
seasonings to your taste
1 box of al dente cooked elbow macaroni

mix together and bake at 350 for about 25 minutes...can also be put in slow cooker

paired tonight with green beans and smoked sausage (in bbq sauce)

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

turkey sausage and hash brown casserole

I have made this before and everyone in the family loves this, especially little boy...his 2nd grade class made a cookbook for moms for Mothers Day and this is the recipe he wanted in the book...

I had gotten this recipe for another blogger and would love to give her credit, but she no longer blogs, and I also have changed this recipe over time...

so here goes...I usually make a lot since like I said everyone loves it and it also makes good leftovers...

last night here is how I made it...

1 pkg of turkey sausage, crumbles (already cooked, easy to just add and not have to cook it first)
1 pkg of frozen hash browns
1 1/2 containers of sour cream (24 oz.)
seasonings to taste
6 eggs very lightly scrambled
cheddar cheese (mixed together with other ingredients and also on top)

the original recipe called for not cooking hash browns first,  but I like to brown them first...add other ingredients...put into a 9 x 13 pan and bake at 350 for about 20 minutes or until edges are browning...the kids loved leftovers for breakfast this morning before school...

new house cooking...

the last posted date was 4/9?  hard to believe...
missed writing for this blog...

moving went much worse than I thought it was very hard for me, but finally we all are in only one house...(that was really the worst thing about moving I think, not being completely done in either place)...the last day we finished at the ole place, it was very bittersweet for me...we had been there for 15 years, the only house my grandkids had ever known, and it was not my idea to move (think that makes a huge difference...)  but we are, if only I could find what I am looking for...
at first, when I was packing, I was so careful, diligently marking each box and then towards the end, you just want to get done...

it is very hard right now, to cook halfway decent meals when you cannot find your pans, dishes, silverware, etc.
then, this house is sooooo nice that I am trying very hard to be so careful with the counters, the stove and the hardwood floors...we are eating off of paper plates and bowls and plastic silverware when we can and I am choosing only meals that go together with minimal ingredients and time wise too...

tonight makes only the 4th homemade meal we have had here in the 2 weeks we have been here...

the first meal I made was a pot roast I cooked all day in the slow cooker and then I shredded it and made pot roast grilled cheese sandwiches...
day # 2, we BBQ steaks with garlic bread and canned baked beans
day #3, I made sausage and hashbrown casserole with already cooked turkey sausage crumbles
and now tonight, we made BBQ roasted whole chickens with chicken rice a roni...

going to research slow cooker recipes for next week as we are sort of tired of eating out...