Friday, April 20, 2012

turkey & bacon wraps

very hot here in Riverside today and it is only April...I hate summer with my whole heart...I really do...Tim went out to lunch with a coworker and the sign on the bank building that is usually spot on, read 108, tho I have to say it did not quite feel THAT hot... tho, I did have one of my worst migraines know when you wake up like around 3 or so and you have that all too familiar pain on the side of your have had it long enough, you know...and you know what kind of day you are in for and I had a lot to do today... but with the cat still away, the cat might be away but the mice surely were not in a playing mood...left the house very early to get a start before the heat hit and got what we needed from the store and got home, put shorts on and got the house prepared to get it cooled down... have to say, the house was pretty quiet today...Chris worked today and Sam went out to lunch after work and Zoe got home and went straight home for awhile so I was able to rest in between making dinner for everyone...let me just say that I love for Tim to have a good dinner done by the time he gets home from work and since it was so hot, I wanted a treat for him... problem? achieving my goals while being as sick as I felt... dinner: turkey & bacon wraps, with cheese, lettuce, onions, olives, tomatoes homemade macaroni salad deviled eggs non bake cheesecake with cherries Sam and Zoe came over for dinner, Sam did help with eggs and Tim cleaned up and washed most of the dishes... pretty good night, called the cat and watched that Betty White show that punks people with old people...hey, don't judge I needed a laugh today... I am depressed and overwhelmed with all that is going on in my life and tonight did make me feel a little better so then Zozo and me went for an ice cream...maybe part of my overwhelming-ness is cause I have been held a captive in the house while he has been hospitalized...

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