Tuesday, February 7, 2012

tuna and fondue

so grandma wanted Ross to come see her and Tim and I decided to stay home and while he is gone places, as I have stated before Tim and I eat things that Ross hates...
so Saturday, we had tuna melts...
dinner tonight? tuna melts...y? just cause it felt right...haha...a quick story (I should write a book, huh? cause I always have a story...) at the last hospital I worked at, and OMGosh I loved this job, not everyone can say they had the perfect job, but I really did...when we bought our house out here (we lived in El Segundo) I cried for days having to leave that job...and guess what? everyon...e loved me there...especially my boss, she was always bringing me little presents and getting me raises, etc. too bad I ever left...anyway, Ross would have to drop me off like 1 1/2 hours early in the morning and I would sit in the cafeteria and wait for start time...and I got to know the cook pretty well...an old black man...(his name was Art, see I cannot remember what I had for dinner last night, but can remember his name?) and I had never had a tuna melt before and one day we were talking and tuna was brought up and I said, "yuck" and he said he would change my mind about tuna and he did...best ever tuna melt on a good rye bread...OMGosh to die for...just a funny story that I think of every time I make a tuna melt...

and then Tim's second favorite food ever is cheese fondue and I aim to please so that is what I made...pretty simple recipe and we dip french bread, mini sausages, carrots, celery and the must have is wheat thins...Zoe also loves this dinner...

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