Monday, February 20, 2012

catch up 2

since being at antlers so much this past year, I have not been cooking like I used to and love to I made a pact with myself that I would try and fit in more cooking and that would also prepare me for April 1st, when we are no longer tied down at that place...
so, I had imagined that for Valentine's Day I would make my version of taco casserole, something everyone in my family loves, incl the princess who is a picky picky princess...but the more I talked of it for heart day, the more I craved it...
I have craved all of my winter dinners that I love so last Sunday, I was talking about it and got Tim involved and to make a long story short, I made it for Sunday night dinner instead of for Valentine' was so yummy and we made corn bread to go with it...
my taco cass.
brown some ground beef, add 1/2 pkg taco seasoning mix, then to that add one big can of tomato sauce, one can of sliced black olives, some frozen corn (according to how much corn you like) some crushed up corn chips (again how many you like) and put in
baking pan and top with cheddar cheese...bake at 400 for approx 20 min...then eat...we loved it and knew what we were missing not having made all of our winter meals...
so, then there was the dilemma of what to make for Valentine's and then I remembered what tim's absolute favorite dinner of all times is and so I made it for him and once again, OMGoodness it was delicious...

beef stroganoff...and no big deal, I used the seasoning packet to make it...

sorry to disappoint...

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