Monday, February 20, 2012

catch up...

for antler dinner last Friday night I made my fried rice (am craving some right now) and I am not sure what I do differently but everyone seems to love it...
for convenience I used Minute rice and made 16 cups (figured to feed approx 35-40 people)...
I then fried the rice approx. 4 cups at a time in small amt of oil, added seasonings such as garlic salt and pepper, stirring constantly till it was like I wanted it to be, added a few splashes of soy sauce, stirred till all was coated (hate when you order fried rice out somewhere and parts of it are white)...added in green onions, some bacon and some frozen peas...and then very slightly scrambled 6 eggs and chopped them up and added them to the rice...
the people I was cooking with made their very delicious marinated chicken and my fried rice compliments their dish very well...
we served and had no complaints, in fact several people asked for seconds...
what was the shinig star was my dessert...I get very tired of the same old same old
cake or just regular dessert and am always on the outlook for a new recipe that will really just blow my socks off and this one sure did and once again everyone absolutely loved it and I now have been craving it for days after...
found the recipe on Southern Plate...

it was so delicious and extremely moist (just the way I like my cakes...)hey, maybe I will make it today for home...when I served it at Elks it was still warm and delicious with cool whip on top...

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