Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Zoe made the dinner

so? what was it?
she did dinner all by herself crompletely from scratch from a recipe I have posted about before...

it is so good that from the first time I made it I added it to my regular gives the taste of Thanksgiving all in one dish...

I am proud of Zoe for making this, she is turning into the neatest little cook...I think what I like most about this recipe is that the main part of the ingredients are simple but you can add whatever you want to it to make it your own...I always use the Almadine version, but Zoe is allergic to tonight we added cranberries and it gave it a really nice addition...

good job baby you can do it, I knew you could and she was so proud of if an 11 yr can do it, so can you...

let them eat cake ohh and spaghetti...

man oh man since I have not been cooking, (for almost a year) (wait to give me credit, I did cook just not like I used to cause of antler stuff...) we have not had my homemade spaghetti for that long and that used to be a staple of mine, say maybe once a week or every 2 much that Tim got sick of it and asked me not to make it for awhile...
not sure, but it just sounded good on Monday night and that is what I made and it was all gone cause even Zoe and Sam were coming thru my house and said, "yum spaghetti?"
I also made that orange cake that I mentioned I had made at antlers and Sam said it was the best cake she had ever eaten...

Monday, February 20, 2012

catch up 2

since being at antlers so much this past year, I have not been cooking like I used to and love to I made a pact with myself that I would try and fit in more cooking and that would also prepare me for April 1st, when we are no longer tied down at that place...
so, I had imagined that for Valentine's Day I would make my version of taco casserole, something everyone in my family loves, incl the princess who is a picky picky princess...but the more I talked of it for heart day, the more I craved it...
I have craved all of my winter dinners that I love so last Sunday, I was talking about it and got Tim involved and to make a long story short, I made it for Sunday night dinner instead of for Valentine' was so yummy and we made corn bread to go with it...
my taco cass.
brown some ground beef, add 1/2 pkg taco seasoning mix, then to that add one big can of tomato sauce, one can of sliced black olives, some frozen corn (according to how much corn you like) some crushed up corn chips (again how many you like) and put in
baking pan and top with cheddar cheese...bake at 400 for approx 20 min...then eat...we loved it and knew what we were missing not having made all of our winter meals...
so, then there was the dilemma of what to make for Valentine's and then I remembered what tim's absolute favorite dinner of all times is and so I made it for him and once again, OMGoodness it was delicious...

beef stroganoff...and no big deal, I used the seasoning packet to make it...

sorry to disappoint...

catch up...

for antler dinner last Friday night I made my fried rice (am craving some right now) and I am not sure what I do differently but everyone seems to love it...
for convenience I used Minute rice and made 16 cups (figured to feed approx 35-40 people)...
I then fried the rice approx. 4 cups at a time in small amt of oil, added seasonings such as garlic salt and pepper, stirring constantly till it was like I wanted it to be, added a few splashes of soy sauce, stirred till all was coated (hate when you order fried rice out somewhere and parts of it are white)...added in green onions, some bacon and some frozen peas...and then very slightly scrambled 6 eggs and chopped them up and added them to the rice...
the people I was cooking with made their very delicious marinated chicken and my fried rice compliments their dish very well...
we served and had no complaints, in fact several people asked for seconds...
what was the shinig star was my dessert...I get very tired of the same old same old
cake or just regular dessert and am always on the outlook for a new recipe that will really just blow my socks off and this one sure did and once again everyone absolutely loved it and I now have been craving it for days after...
found the recipe on Southern Plate...

it was so delicious and extremely moist (just the way I like my cakes...)hey, maybe I will make it today for home...when I served it at Elks it was still warm and delicious with cool whip on top...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

tuna and fondue

so grandma wanted Ross to come see her and Tim and I decided to stay home and while he is gone places, as I have stated before Tim and I eat things that Ross hates...
so Saturday, we had tuna melts...
dinner tonight? tuna melts...y? just cause it felt right...haha...a quick story (I should write a book, huh? cause I always have a story...) at the last hospital I worked at, and OMGosh I loved this job, not everyone can say they had the perfect job, but I really did...when we bought our house out here (we lived in El Segundo) I cried for days having to leave that job...and guess what? everyon...e loved me there...especially my boss, she was always bringing me little presents and getting me raises, etc. too bad I ever left...anyway, Ross would have to drop me off like 1 1/2 hours early in the morning and I would sit in the cafeteria and wait for start time...and I got to know the cook pretty old black man...(his name was Art, see I cannot remember what I had for dinner last night, but can remember his name?) and I had never had a tuna melt before and one day we were talking and tuna was brought up and I said, "yuck" and he said he would change my mind about tuna and he ever tuna melt on a good rye bread...OMGosh to die for...just a funny story that I think of every time I make a tuna melt...

and then Tim's second favorite food ever is cheese fondue and I aim to please so that is what I made...pretty simple recipe and we dip french bread, mini sausages, carrots, celery and the must have is wheat thins...Zoe also loves this dinner...