Friday, December 8, 2017

teaching Zoie; scalloped potatoes and ham

we had ham left over from Thanksgiving and I didn't want it to go to waste and Zoie was only too happy to help me this night with dinner...

we took 8 russet potatoes (when I was doing my research for this recipe, most people said russets make the best scalloped potatoes because of the starch) and we sliced them very thinly and started layering them in a baking pan...
in between each layer, we also added a layer of cut up ham...added seasonings to the top and poured half and half over the top with some chunks of butter...

baked at 375 for about an hour and then sprinkled some montery jack cheese and put back in oven to melt the cheese for about 5 minutes...

so good reminded me of my childhood, we had this a lot growing up

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