Saturday, December 9, 2017

teaching Zoie: oven baked pork ribs, corn casserole, parmesan noodles and peas

the store had these pork ribs (the boneless ones) on sale and it was just Tim, Zoie and me and I got away with only one package of meat...I am so not used to cooking for a small amount of people...

when we were in the process of loosing our house, after the cat had gotten laid off from aerospace, he took a part time job in a meat market but they could not afford to pay him so he took his wages in meat and the first time he brought these home, I did not know what to do with them...

but every time now, I do them like this and my family loves them...

I put them in a baking pan and minimally put BBQ sauce on them (they have their own liquid also) and I wrap tightly with aluminum foil and bake them for about 3 hours...they come out so tender...

tonight I paired with:
parmesan noodles (I used boxed ones tonight)
corn casserole

family is happy

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