Monday, November 19, 2012

meatloaf (a new recipe) & corn cakes

I happen to love meat loaf very much and am constantly searching for the perfect recipe...lucky for me most of the members of my family also love it, cause I make it a lot...
I came upon this recipe from Kraft and it was pretty good...will it be my go to recipe for all times?  probably not...but I would most likely make it again...and everyone that ate said it was pretty good...

so with the meat loaf, I also made scalloped potatoes, broccoli, and a new recipe for corn cakes...

the corn cakes were very good and I will definitely make time and time again, there are so many possibilities with this recipe...I added a little bit of bacon and some cheese...

this dinner was a lot of work putting together but I wanted food to bring some harmony to our lives tonight and it seemed to do the trick...Tim was very happy (I had dinner done by the time he got out of work) cause between jury duty and work, he had not had a chance to eat today...he did ask if dinner would be a little lighter tomorrow?

link for the meatloaf:

and the great thing about this recipe is that you can make up ahead of time and freeze them...

link for the corn cakes:

very yummy, just make sure you add a ton of seasonings, otherwise they are a little bland...

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