Tuesday, November 13, 2012

macaroni and cheese

today I woke up with a pretty good migraine, the kind that warranted me 2 naps today and it still did not help...I still have a migraine, and will most likely have it until I go to bed tonight....yay team me...

still I wanted a good dinner for Tim when he got home from work...this dinner is quick to put together and I was able to pick up all of the ingredients at Wal Mart when I went to get dog food...when I have a migraine, I need quick, I need easy...and we haven't had this for awhile either...Tim is also on his "eat better" way of eating and not eating a lot of beef, yet hubby is sick of
but speaking of hubby, he is in the dog house (so to speak)...sent him to the store to get some biscuits and he got more than just that...I went in to the bedroom to see if he wanted me to dish up his dinner,
(I am a good wife like that) and there he was, eating a sandwich he bought at Ralph's...he did not want this for dinner...nice, huh?

this is the kind of mac and cheese my mom would make (think of how much would have to be made for 12 kids???) and I like it though it is not my favorite kind of mac and cheese...I like a more creamier kind and actually am still searching for my favorite recipe that one that will be my go to one
all of the time...sometimes, I do like this recipe however and does bring up some memories...
not sure if I told this story before...
one night when my kids were in high school, and hubby had been laid off from his job and I was working at Wal Mart, and with only one paycheck, it was a bad time in our lives...this night it was a
couple of days before payday and the only ingredients in the house were for this recipe...I called hubby from work and asked him to make this mac and cheese...got home and was so hungry, could
not wait for dinner...took one bite and it was horrible...silly hubby had used sweetened condensed milk instead of evaporated milk...funny thing is he ate his whole plate, where the kids and I could not...

I take 1 1/2 pkgs of macaroni (I usually use shell roni but Wal Mart only had elbows) cook till al-dente...then I layer a small bit in bottom of 13x9 greased pan...layer with macaroni and cheese, ending with cheese...I add garlic salt and pepper...then pour 2 cans of evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed milk) over the top...bake at 400 for approx. 25 minutes...
I always make little smokies in BBQ sauce, broccoli and biscuits to go with this recipe...at tonight at least 4 of us liked dinner minus hubby...


  1. What a brute your man is! You should have re-served it as his dinner the next day. But hey, wait... "I was able to pick up all of the ingredients at Wal Mart when I went to get dog food..." You went to shop for the dogs to eat and hubby's dinner was a side thought? Maybe he's not such a brute to you after all???  ツ

  2. at least the dog did not complain about her food...LOL
