Saturday, November 17, 2012

homemade pizza

I went to a Pampered Chef's party and bought one of their large pizza stones and cutter...I could not wait to get it and use it...
today was the day...yay...

bought the pizza dough from Trader Joe's, jarred pizza sauce, mozarrella cheese, & paremesan cheese...

they turned out pretty well...

and typing this right now, I bought breadsticks to go with the pizza and forgot about them...LOL...

anyway it is fun seeing what each person puts on their pizza...

Tim googled "healthy" pizza and came up with a carmelized onion, apple and swiss cheese one...and he had his on wheat dough...
Zoe wanted pepperoni, olives and mozarrella cheese
Me?  I stuck with pepperoni and mozarrella cheese...

not bad for homemade pizza (well sort of)...

and I do love the friend said you can use the stone for all sort of things, so I will...

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