Saturday, January 14, 2012

feeding antlers

yesterday, I was not at home the whole day...a little tired today with a bad migraine also...
when I make up the Friday night dinners on paper it looks good, sounds good, but when reality sets in and I have to make what I put down, it is a different story...
but, that's ok...I really do like cooking and I love it when people happen to like what you have made...
for dinner they had a choice of shicken & wild rice soup or split pea with ham soup (all homemade of course) with salad, bread and dessert...
both soups were delicious (or so I thought) but, we did not have a lot of people that came out to eat...if my dinner follows a Thursday night taco night, that next day typically does not do well...and Thursday we sold 420 we kinda expected not a huge crowd for dinner...would be nice if we had more than 12 however...
a little depressing to be down there ALL day to cook for 12 people but hey what can I say???

at least they will use the leftovers for the brunch we are having, so it doesn't go to waste...

btw Tim liked the chicken tetrazzini that he has had it for 3 nights...

so, the dessert I made was a magic bar (ya know those 7 layer bars everyone makes with choc chips, sweetened cond. milk and coconut, etc.) well, this is them except in a pie...the pie was a huge success...
of course I did not take my camera last night...

here is the recipe for the pie, you have got to try it...

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