Tuesday, August 23, 2011

volunteer lunch-& Ross ER birthday party...

wanted to do something special for Ross' birthday this year since he is the ER of the Lodge, but also wanted to pay homage to all of the volunteers that have helped us immensely already the first quarter of his reign...so, this big party is this coming Sunday afternoon...and knowing how activities such as this one usually go at the Lodge, I really did not expect too many people showing up...I was smart and asked for RSVP's just so I would know about how many people to expect...and.....................
drum roll, please.....so far....85 people have said that they would love to come...OK...really??? a much
bigger and better crowd than I could ever have imagined...but, that is all right...at first, I was going to make everything myself but, when more and more people said they were coming, I started asking for potluck dishes...& I don't know about you but I love potlucks...I love to see what people bring to these events...
here is the menu that I have chosen:
BBQ beef & BBQ pork sandwiches (made these for an event before & they went over well...)
cole slaw
baked beans
mac. salad
deviled eggs
various veggies & dip
various chips & dips (& I found some really good recipes I want to try out)
apple crisp

for children, I planned on:
also macaroni & cheese
hot dogs...

for the BBQ beef, I am using a recipe that has been handed down from Ross' grandmother and is always been a crowd pleaser and is rather simple...will post recipe after the event
for the BBQ pork found a recipe online, that I cannot wait to try...will also post this one after the event...
am currently looking for a good recipe for cole slaw...I personally like KFC and Famous Dave's so would like to find a recipe that mimics either one of theirs...
of course my macaroni salad, everyone loves and Sam is known for her deviled eggs...
so I think we are good...
will let you know how we do after Sunday...wish me luck...

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