Monday, September 5, 2011


anyone that knows me, knows how much I HATE summer...I love the longer days and not having to get up at a certain time for the kid's school but the heat...OMGosh the HEAT, that is what gets to just wears me out...I cannot function...
but, we need to eat and I am tired of burgers, and sandwiches and eating out...and we eat a lot at Elks, too...
still like to make a good dinner for Tim...
slow roasted BBQ tri tip
hobo potatoes
fire roasted corn on the cob, shucked and fried

it was soooooooooooo good...miss cooking like I used to...please summer hurry up and go away...

the hobo potatoes comes from a recipe that I have had for ages and ages and now most likely does
not resemble the original one at all cause I have tweaked it so many times to please my family...

for tonight I used:

4 potatoes, cubed and then lightly fried
crumbled bacon
2 carrots, diced
2 stalks celery, diced
1 bunch of green onions
garlic salt

mix all ingredients and layer into 2 aluminum foil pouches with a pat or 2 of butter and throw onto (not literally) the BBQ and they need to cook for approx 45 min...

there ya go...they are so yummy...

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