Sunday, July 10, 2011

easy dinner

for like 2 weeks now it has been so freakin hot here...the humidity is horrible...I cannot stand it at all...
and then to make matters worse, we have all been sick and I am still not completely over that
"bronchitis" thing that spred thru the Lodge like wild fire...Zoe is still coughing and Ross well, you guys know, and Samantha and her newfound heart thing...well, I am exhausted...seems like I am never home but I stayed home this weekend and got a lot done...I am proud of myself...

so for dinner tonight, since it is so hot??? egg salad sandwiches on this really cool, soft potato bread, assorted cut up veggies and chips...good thing we all love egg salad so much won't last very long here...

tomorrow I am going to make this fabulous chicken waldorf salad...Tim took us to CPK the other night for dinner and I had the chicken salad sandwich and it was so wonderful, I thought about it all I am going to sort of copy them and also add some of my own stuff to it...

oh yeah, last night, made bacon cheeseburgers (on the george foreman grill, so less fat) with corn on the cob, baked beans and cole slaw...must say it was pretty good...

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